tag: beach

30 Of The Most Interesting Things, People Found On The Beach

The oceans are vast and mysterious, covering 71% of our planet and containing all kinds of things, from plastic waste to..

30 Hilarious Things Happened At The Beach That People Had To Share

The oceans are vast and mysterious, covering 71% of our planet and containing all kinds of things that we have yet to di..

Artist Arranges Stones In Amazing Patterns On The Beach And It's Very Satisfying

This guy named Jon Foreman who lives in Pembrokeshire, Wales found out about land art when he was just in college and so..

Nicole Kidman, 52, Stuns With Incredible Physique In Blue Frilly Bikini

Australia is getting so hot these days, people are warned to stay indoors. But if you really need to go out, the beach i..

I Have Lived In Australia For 5 Years And I Want To Tell You About Interesting Things That I Come Across Here Every Day

For 5 the past 5 years, Natasha has been living in a country where everyone goes on their heads, or rather in Australia,..