tag: amazing

Photographer Captures Up-Close Pictures Of Animal Eyes And They’re Mesmerizing

Few people ever get close enough to a hippo, hyena, or crocodile to snap a photo of one, let alone get a detailed shot o..

30 Incredibly Detailed Balloon Sculptures By Japanese Artist

If you thought those balloon animals are just an inexpensive toy or ornament, then you are in for a shocking surprise wh..

Mother Of Two Started Making Toys From Wool 3 Years Ago, Here're 28 Of Her Best Works

Three years ago, a mother of two saw wonderful toys made from an unknown material, which she later found out was wool. T..

30 Times People Stayed At Airbnb And Had An Amazing Animal Experience In The Apartments

Sometimes you feel like taking a solo vacation and get away from all the hustles and bustles of life. But being social b..

14 Crazy Design Ideas That Turned Out Better Than Expected

With every problem, there’s not always an obvious solution waiting to be uncovered. Sometimes, when faced with these s..